Premier Black Friday Tysse Literature Collection

The Premier Black Friday Tysse Literature Collection

Viewing: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, daily

Ending: Begins closing November 29th starting at 6:00 PM CST!

Pickup: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, daily

Featured Items:

Nelson Four Wheel Drive Tractor Sales Literature 

Creeping Grip Tractor Sales Literature 

Sandusky Tractor Catalog 

Nichols & Shepard Oil Gas Tractors Catalog 

IHC Tractor Biographies 

Electric Wheel Company Allwork 40 Tractor Sales Literature 

Townsend Oil Tractor Sales Literature 

Bull Tractor Co. Big Bull Sales Literature 

Heider Tractor Catalog 

Nilson Farm Machine Co. Catalog 

The Sageng Threshing Machine Co. Catalog 


Be sure to check out the catalog for a complete listing!

Aumann Vintage Power

20114 IL Rt. 16

Nokomis , IL 62075

[email protected] 217-563-2523

20114 IL Route 16 Nokomis, 62075

Starts on 11/29/2024